August 5-9, 2024

Detailed information

Rebecca Small

U.S. Government

Rebecca Small has been teaching high school Social Studies for Fairfax County public schools since September 1997, and is currently teaching at South Lakes High School. She conducts workshops for teachers over the summer for Advanced Placement Government & Politics (US and Comparative) in several states. She has served on the AP® Government test development committee and is currently a member of the US Government & Politics Curriculum and Assessment re-design committee. At the AP reading, Rebecca has served as a reader, table leader, and Question Leader.

She is a published author of test preparation books, lesson plans and other resources for teachers - links to some of her publications are listed below. In her government classes she has introduced students to many elected officials including Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT),Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FLA). She has taken students to many political offices and Embassies over the years, including the National Rifle Association headquarters and the Embassies of Britain, China and Nigeria.

Her guest speakers included political consultant James Carville, Mary Beth Tinker (from Tinker v. Des Moines), several diplomats, and human rights activist Ahmad Batebi. Rebecca is pursuing a Doctorate of Education and Policy Studies at George Washington University, studying the role of professional development in supporting AP® teachers. She recently successfully defended a dissertation proposal and has moved on to the data collection phase.



Photo of Rebecca Small