Taught by Dennis Donovan
This session will familiarize participants with the AP® Calculus Course and Exam Description, the AP® Exam, and the online AP® Calculus resources through AP® Classroom, this includes thorough coverage of the concepts and content of Calculus BC.
By attending this session, you will:
- Examine strategies for successfully teaching all the major topics using multiple representations (graphical, numerical, algebraic and verbal).
- Concentration on BC Only topics: Euler’s Method, Logistic Growth, Partial Fractions, Integration by Parts, Length of Curve, Improper Integrals, Taylor Series, Convergence, Parametric Equations, and Polar Equations.
- Inspect resources, activities and supplemental material that promote student understanding.
- Have hands on experience with AP® Free Response and AP® Multiple Choice questions with attention given to assessment of student written responses. And practice applying the scoring guidelines from the most recent AP® exam to samples of student work
- Discuss methods for using both the TI84 and TI-Nspire graphing calculators as well as demonstrations using Desmos.
- Develop a course pacing guide by unit/topic to incorporate the full scope of your AP® course into your school’s academic calendar.
- Examine formative and summative assessment item types to identify and explain how pairings of content and skills are the focus of instruction and also the targets of these assessments.
- Identify student strengths and weakness using data available through AP® Classroom and Instructional Planning Reports.
Specific attention will be paid to the following AP® resources: Unit Guides, Topic Questions, Personal Progress Checks, Question Bank, Instructional Planning Reports, and the AP® Teacher Community.