Taught by Nanci Bush
Welcome! This AP® English Language and Composition Summer Institute will offer teachers a strong foundation for setting up new AP® courses, guidance for creating AP® Units relevant to each participant’s students, invigorating ideas for energizing existing courses, and ample strategies for the pre-AP® classroom.
As a current AP® English Language teacher, the workshop consultant will offer numerous strategies for improving students’ abilities to read critically and write purposefully. Additionally, participants will receive an overview of My AP® Classroom (web-based resources and support from the College Board) [small cut right here bc the AP® Audit is not as stringent right now]. Plus, as an AP® Reader and Table Leader, the consultant will provide scoring experience on recent AP® essays and practice with AP® multiple choice passages.
The workshop will be structured with many hands-on lessons to help teachers choose classroom strategies to strengthen student success on AP® English skills.
- Understand skills necessary for student success in the AP® English Language course
- Plan/Update your AP® Course by selecting instructional strategies for reading, writing, and viewing texts
- Practice assessing student progress with AP®’s 6-point rubric and AP® Classroom resources
- Develop an AP® community for support
Daily asynchronous time: 9:30-10:30am
Divided small groups and asynchronous time: 12:30-2:00pm
Monday, Day 1
Course and Exam Overview
- Acquire an overview of AP® English Language and Composition
- Explore the Course & Exam Description
- 9 Key Units
- Big Ideas
- Skill Categories
- Explore My AP® Classroom
Tuesday, Day 2
Rhetorical Analysis
- Understand the Rhetorical Situation
- Develop a Foundation for Rhetorical Analysis
- View a range of prompts and practice scoring sample essays
- Share teaching strategies for building student competence
- Discuss the relationship between claims and evidence and line of reasoning
Wednesday, Day 3
- Understand Argument
- View prompts and practice scoring sample essays
- Discuss how to teach skills with your favorite texts
- Develop an AP® Unit
- Group activities
- Peruse Available Resources for AP® English courses
- Share & Explore Technological Resources
Thursday, Day 4
- Understand Synthesis – A Researched Argument
- View sample prompts and practice scoring sample essays
- Strategies for Instruction from Introduction to Essay Success
- Write Synthesis Essay
- Create engaging synthesis prompts
- Discuss Available Resources for AP® English courses
- Diversity and Inclusion; Equity in Access to AP® courses
- Grading vs. Scoring
- Managing the AP® workload
Friday, Day 5
Instructional Design
- Review Unit/Syllabus
- Discuss Tips for Test Preparation for Students/Final Review
- Participant Sharing of Best Practices