Taught by Angélica Jiménez
- Explore each section of the AP® Spanish Literature and Culture course and exam description, including the Unit Guides, while making connections to the course curricular requirements while reviewing the Syllabus Development Guide.
- Begin to develop a course plan by unit and topic that incorporates the full scope of the AP® Spanish Literature and Culture course into your school’s 2025-26 academic calendar
- Explore the following resources within your authorized “AP® Spanish Literature and Culture” AP® Classroom: Unit Guides, Topic Questions, Personal Progress Checks, and the AP® Question Bank
- Examine sample formative and summative assessment items to identify content and skill pairings that are the targets of these assessments; subsequently these may assist teachers to create lesson plans to reinforce content and skill connections
- Practice applying the Scoring Guidelines from the 2025 AP® Exam for AP® Spanish Literature and Culture to samples of student and/or teacher practice Free Response Questions
- Identify student strengths and weakness using data available through AP® Classroom and the Instructional Planning Reports
- Explore ready-to-use strategies, instructional materials, and pedagogical tools found in AP® Classroom pertinent to the content and skills required for success with your AP® students
- Learn how to register, use the resources shared in the AP® Teacher Community and develop meaningful connections with participants and the AP® community
- Receive consultant-made activities and practice sample instructional approaches with “El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra [selected fragments]” (prose), “A Julia de Burgos” (poem) and selected fragments from “El burlador y convidado de piedra" to be studied as poetry.
- New AP® teachers will review the AP® Course Audit portal and receive step-by-step guidance to register as an AP® Teacher; in turn your AP® coordinator will be able to authorize your AP® course and your use of your AP® Classroom with students.
- Select and prepare a “ready-to-use” instructional strategy to be shared with fellow participants on the final day of the APSI. See the “Instructional Approaches” section of the “2025 AP® Spanish Literature and Culture Course and Exam Description” as soon as it is available to you.
- Activities will be conducted as a whole group, paired or group work to simulate a student perspective, or individual time to allow for teacher processing, research, and preparation for 2025-26.
Monday, Day 1
Bienvenida and introductions
- Platforms, norms, and materials for the four-day week
- Icebreaker
- Required Topic 1-Course and Exam Description, PART 1 - making connections to the Curricular Requirements
- Required Topic 1, PART 2 – Course Planning for 2025-26
- Deeper Dive into the Course – the Required Reading list, Learning Objectives, Achievement Level Descriptions, Course Themes and Literary Terminology
- Review “AFTER HOURS” ASSIGNMENT: CED, p. 174 “Success in AP® Spanish Literature and Culture”; p. 157+ “Instructional Approaches” BEGIN DECIDING ON AN INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY TO PREPARE AND PRESENT TO GROUP ON FINAL DAY
- Complete “Boleto de Salida”
Tuesday, Day 2
- Morning review; Q/A
- AP® Exam - Overall review
- AP® Exam – Focus on Section 1: Multiple Choice (“take” Section 1 of the exam; debrief in groups)
- Required Topic 2 - Expanding AP® Opportunities (discuss strategies for creating a supportive AP® class for a wide range of students; discuss how educators can encourage students to participate in AP®, including underrepresented students)
- Required Topic 4 (Topic 3 will be last topic of the week) - AP® Daily and AP® Classroom
- Review “AFTER HOURS” ASSIGNMENT: CED, p. 195-202 UPDATED 2025 “Scoring Rubrics” (Content and Language) for all four FRQs; review the indicated fragments of “El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra” (both as prose and as poetry); review “A Julia de Burgos” (poetry)
- Complete “Boleto de Salida”
Wednesday, Day 3
- Morning review; Q/A
- Understanding the updated 2025 Scoring Guidelines (Content and Language) for two of the four FRQs
- AP® Exam – Focus on Section 2: Free-Response (“take” Section 2 by writing one “Short Response” and one “Essay” FRQ; debrief in groups)
- Required Topic 5 - Assess and Reflect (how to use your July Instructional Planning Report to plan for the following academic school year)
- Instructional Approaches, CED p. 155+
- Review “AFTER HOURS” ASSIGNMENT: Review poem “A Julia de Burgos”; continue preparing in digital format your selected INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY. Read “Achievement Level Descriptions” in CED starting on p. 137+
- Complete “Boleto de Salida”
Thursday, Day 4
- Morning review; Q/A
- Required Topic 3 - Strategies and Pedagogical Tools with “El burlador de Sevilla…” (including “Visual Thinking Strategies”, “Para Pensar”, “Escribe-Di Algo”, “Términos Literarios”, “Apuntes Literarios”)
- Required Topic 3 - Strategies and Pedagogical Tools with “A Julia de Burgos” and fragments of “El burlador de Sevilla…” (“Pasos para el Análisis Poético”)
- Continue with 2025-26 Course Planning
- Complete “Boleto de Salida”
- “AFTER HOURS” ASSIGNMENT: Finalize Instructional Strategy and upload to Google Classroom “Stream” (first tab) to have ready for tomorrow’s presentation
Friday, Day 5
Note: Today’s “Boleto de Salida” will be before lunch
- **AP® Course Audit **(new teachers only; experienced teachers work independently on any topic of the APSI)
- AP® Course Skills - CED, p. 16 (what they are and how they connect to the Achievement Level Descriptors to facilitate in-class use of these suggested rubrics for class assignments)
- Required Topic 3 (see above)-Participant presentation of Instructional Strategy
- Continue with 2025-26 Course Planning
- Final discussions of Expanding Opportunities and other APSI topics
- If group desires to continue in communication, a participant may volunteer to prepare a digital spreadsheet and upload into our LMS (such as Google Classroom) for access
- College Board evaluation (possibly another for the site); despedidas…y GRACIAS 😊